Vital information about anesthesia
Everyday life in the operating room places extraordinary demands on everyone involved – especially when operating on children. The pediatric anesthesia ruler PädOP is a valuable tool especially for this purpose. All the information from the pediatric emergency ruler plus information that is especially important for pediatric anesthesia can be read off directly.
The pediatric anesthesia ruler PädOP shows information on regional anesthetics, other muscle relaxants, antibiotics and perfusors in addition to the PädNFL. In addition, clear pediatric PONV prevention tables can be used.
All the necessary information can be read directly from the ruler – without time-consuming reference in accompanying booklets and without the need for your own calculation steps.
The PädNFL is the only tool in the world that has already been proven in two studies to help prevent life-threatening errors in pediatric emergencies.
1. Kaufmann et al. Development and Prospective Federal State-Wide Evaluation of a Device for Height-Based Dose Recommendations in Prehospital Pediatric Emergencies: A Simple Tool to Prevent Most Severe Drug Errors. Prehosp Emerg Care 2018; 22: 252-259.
2. Kaufmann et al. Improving Pediatric Drug Safety in Prehospital Emergency Care-10 Years on. J Patient Saf 2021; 17: e1241-e1246.